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Commands & Configurations

Tweak combat, controls, lock-on, switching items, your UI and much more ! Epic Fight also has plenty of different commands and gamerules that also allow for further customization of your game and play style. Here, I'll walk you through all customization options + commands...

Commands -

Gamerules -

/gamerule hasFallAnimation [true/false]

  • Determines if the landing animation should play when the player takes more than a certain amount of fall damage.

/gamerule weightPenalty [0~100] (default 100)

  • Determines how much the player will be penalized by weight. (Attack speed and stamina consumption)

/gamerule doVanillaAttack [true/false] (default true)

  • Enables/Disables Vanilla attacks, if turned off, no players will be able to attack while in mining mode.

/gamerule keepSkills [true/false] (default false)

  • Determines if the skills the player learned will be kept after the player dies. (Simmilar to KeepInventory but for Skills)

/gamerule canSwitchCombat [true/false] (default true)

  • Enables/Disables the ability for players to switch between Combat - Mining modes.

/gamerule globalStun [true/false] (default false)

  • Applies a simple Stun to non patched entities (Entities without animations/Custom, Modded ones). (Useful when you have lots of modded entities that don't have stun animstions)

/gamerule noMobsInBossfight [true/false] (default true)

  • Allows you to control the spawning of endermans when ender dragon is alive. (Might affect Boss battles that disable mob spawn around them simmilarly to the Ender Dragon)

/gamerule stiffComboAttacks [true/false] (default true)

  • Allows you to control whether Attack Combos should lock you in place. (Great for those who feel like the animation lock is too difficult)

EpicFight Commands

/epicfight mode [mining/batlle] [target]

  • Allows you to set the combat mode for a certain target.

/epicfight skill [add/clear/remove] [target]

  • Allows you to add/remove a certain skill from a certain target.
  • Allows you to wipe all the skills from a target.

EpicFight Attributes

/attribute [target] epicfight:[attribute]

  • While the /attribute command isn't necessarily an epic fight command, epic fight adds a bunch of new attributes for you to use and tweak as you like...

List of attributes below:

Attributes Info
Armor Negation Your base Armor Negation
Execution Resistance Your base Resistance to Executions
Impact Your base Impact
Max Strikes Your base Max Strikes
OffHand Armor Negation Your offhand Armor Negation
OffHand Attack Speed Your offhand Attack Speed
OffHand Impact Your offhand Impact
OffHand Max Strikes Your offhand Max Strikes
Stamina Regen Your base Stamina Regeneration
Staminar Your base max Stamina
Stun Amor Your base max Stun Armor
Weight Your base Weight

Configurations -

How many ticks it'll take for it to be recognized as a long press. * (Used for special attacks) * (Used for special mining in combat configuration)

Enables/Disables the animated model when players are not in combat mode.

  • None - Disables Epic Fight's Health Bar
  • Hurt - Only enables Epic Fight's Health Bar when an entity is dealt damage
  • Target - Only displays Epic Fight's Health Bar when player is looking at a targeted entity (Red Arrow on top of an entity)

Determines whether the target indicator is displayed [On/Off]

Automatically switches camera person, when switching between mining/combat mode.

Enables/Disables the aim tracer when charging a projectile (i.e a Bow or Crossbow)

Automatically enters combat mode when you are hit by a hostile entity.

Enables Blood, when OFF turns all blood particles Yellow for sensitive presenvation to some.

Configuration Screen for items that when held will either make you go to Combat or Mining mode.

Debug option for TexturePack and Mod developers to export their armor model data in a pre-made Texturepack.

Configuration Window for changing the screen coordinates of each UI element added by Epic Fight.

Enables/Disables mining blocks while in combat mode, the long press counter can be tweaked on the Long Press Counter option.